Coping With Body Image Issues During the Summer

Published On: June 22, 2020Categories: Mental Health

Tips for Building a Positive Body Image this Summer

Although the summertime typically means warmer temperatures and spending time at the beach or by the lake, it can also be challenging for those struggling with maintaining a positive body image. Fortunately, there are simple ways you can shift your perspective to help you to nip negative thoughts in the bud and help you on your journey toward a more positive image of yourself. Here’s how.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Living in the age of social media, it can be difficult not to compare ourselves to others and our perceptions of their lives and bodies. It is important to remember that social media is a curated collection of images without showing realities of having lumps, bumps, and imperfections. When you’re scrolling through your social media timeline or find yourself looking at others’ bodies on the beach or by the pool, remember that each body is different, and yours is right for you.

When you find yourself beginning to compare yourself to others, make a mental note of those moments so you can be more mindful of your triggers, and feel more in control of your thoughts in the future.

Be Mindful of Your Words

Often, people label normal experiences as evidence of “fatness.” Whether you experience jiggling body parts, have rolls when you sit or have cellulite, many women and men equate this to being “fat” or gaining weight when these can be completely normal experiences many people. When you assign words like “fat” or “pudgy” to these normal occurrences, it can be difficult to feel comfortable in your skin.

Be Patient With Yourself

Although being mindful of what is causing negative thoughts and feelings is an important role when working toward a more positive body image, being patient with yourself is equally as important. When you have off days or moments of being vulnerable, remind yourself that you’re doing your best and how far you’ve come.

Seeking Help at Tapestry

At Tapestry, our treatment programs are dedicated to understanding our clients as whole people with varied life experiences. Whether you have questions about mental health or how to support a loved one struggling with their mental health, we are here for you. Contact us today by filling out a confidential form or give us a call at (828) 490-4032.

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