Shared bedroom at Tapestry-Brevard

Women-Only Treatment Center

Located near Asheville, North Carolina, Brevard is known as “The Land of Waterfalls,” boasting beautiful mountain views and a calm, healing atmosphere.

Our two-story, women-only home features a grand, oversized front porch, welcoming common areas and comfortable bedrooms. In addition, outdoor space, including a fire pit, offers opportunities to enjoy the fresh air. Clients participating in our partial hospitalization program (PHP) may reside in condos adjacent to the Tapestry property.

Tapestry’s Brevard location provides primary mental health disorder treatment. At our Brevard facility, we offer residential and partial hospitalization program (PHP) levels of care. Our compassionate staff is committed to providing every client with individualized attention through a holistic care model.

We offer treatment for people who identify as women as well as non-binary and transgender individuals. Our staff are trained to ensure the needs of these clients are met wherever possible, and to provide therapeutic support specific to the issues that these groups face. Our programming features gender-specific trauma support, anti-bullying and harassment policies and gender-inclusive restrooms.

What Tapestry in Brevard, NC Offers

Tapestry Brevard, NC: Comprehensive Residential Program

Tailored to provide a nurturing and effective treatment experience, our residential program at Tapestry in Brevard, NC, our residential program integrates a variety of therapeutic modalities and case management to meet the unique needs of each client.

This program is designed to offer a safe, secure environment where clients can immerse themselves in healing and recovery.

Group Therapy at Tapestry Brevard

  • Processing Groups: Offer a supportive environment for clients to openly discuss and process their emotions and experiences
  • Modality-Specific Groups:

  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy): Focuses on accepting emotions and thoughts without judgment while committing to positive change

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Aims to identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors

  • DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy): Helps with managing difficult emotions and improving relationships through mindfulness and emotional regulation

  • Mindfulness: Encourages living in the moment and being aware of one’s thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way

  • Horticulture Therapy: Utilizes gardening activities to improve mental and physical well-being

  • Music Therapy: Engages clients in music-based activities to enhance emotional and cognitive functioning

  • Art Therapy: Uses creative art-making processes for self-expression and coping strategies

  • Recreation/Experiential Therapy: Involves activities that help clients apply learned skills in real-world settings

  • Life Skills Training: Focuses on developing practical skills for daily living and independence

  • Dietary/Nutrition and Culinary: Teaches healthy eating habits and cooking skills

  • Body Image Groups: Address issues related to body image and promotes positive self-esteem

  • Recovery-Focused Groups: Offer support for clients on their journey to recovery

Individual Therapy at Tapestry Brevard

  • Personalized Sessions: Clients engage in two individual hour-long sessions per week with our counseling professionals to address personal issues in a confidential setting.

  • Family Sessions: Family sessions are available upon request to involve family members in the treatment process

Case Management at Tapestry Brevard

  • Holistic Support: Our case managers provide weekly or as-needed support, covering areas such as FMLA, disability, unemployment paperwork, coordination of care, criminal justice needs, medical referrals, and discharge planning. This comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of our clients’ needs are addressed, facilitating a smoother transition to everyday life.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) at Tapestry Brevard

At Tapestry Brevard, our structured Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is designed to provide a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to mental health treatment by combining group therapy, individual therapy and case management.

Our PHP is a full-time, intensive treatment program ideal for individuals who are struggling with severe mental health challenges that disrupt their daily functioning, but who do not require residential or inpatient care.

Group Therapy at Tapestry Brevard’s PHP

  • Processing Groups: Offer a supportive environment where clients can process emotions and experiences, promoting emotional healing and self-awareness

  • Modality-Specific Groups:

  • ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy): Helps clients accept their thoughts and feelings and commit to positive actions, fostering psychological flexibility

  • CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Aims to change negative thought patterns and behaviors, leading to improved mood and functioning

  • DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy): Focuses on managing emotions and improving relationships, enhancing mindfulness and distress tolerance

  • Mindfulness: Encourages present-focused awareness and acceptance, reducing stress and increasing calmness

  • Horticulture Therapy: Utilizes plant-based activities to improve mental health, reduce stress, and enhance mood

  • Music Therapy: Engages clients in music-based activities, aiding in emotional expression and cognitive improvement

  • Art Therapy: Facilitates creative expression, which can be therapeutic for emotional exploration and healing

  • Recreation/Experiential Therapy: Involves active engagement in therapeutic activities, helping clients apply learned skills in practical settings

  • Life Skills Training: Equips clients with essential skills for daily life, promoting independence and self-reliance

  • Dietary/Nutrition and Culinary: Teaches healthy eating and cooking, supporting overall physical health and wellness

  • Body Image Groups: Help clients develop a positive body image and self-esteem, crucial for overall mental health

  • Recovery-Focused Groups: Support clients in their recovery journey, offering guidance and community support

Individual Therapy at Tapestry Brevard’s PHP

  • Personalized Sessions: Clients engage in one-on-one sessions with counseling professionals, offering personalized care and attention to individual needs.

  • Family Sessions: Family sessions are available upon request to include family dynamics in the healing process, enhancing understanding and support from loved ones.

Case Management at Tapestry Brevard’s PHP

  • Holistic Support: Our case managers provide comprehensive support covering FMLA, disability, unemployment paperwork, coordination of care, criminal justice needs, medical referrals and discharge planning. This integrated approach ensures that clients receive the necessary support in all aspects of their treatment and daily life, facilitating a smooth transition to wellness and independence.

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Start your path to healing.