Tips to Making it Through New Years with Mental illness

Published On: December 18, 2019Categories: Addiction Treatment And Rehab, Eating Disorders, Recovery, Wellness

Getting Through The New Year

New Years marks the end of the holiday season and the beginning of the year to come. However, this transition can cause you to struggle with maintaining your mental health. Here are some tips to help get you through the new year blues:

Be Kind to Yourself

If a friend or a family member were having a rough time, would you take that as an opportunity to be harsh on them? Of course not. Practicing self-compassion can have a positive impact on your overall well-being, helping you to be less self-critical, be less anxious, and less likely to succumb to depression.

Take a Social Media Hiatus

While social media can be an excellent platform for keeping up with friends and bringing together different communities, it can also be taxing on your mental and emotional health.

To give yourself a break from your timeline, limit your social media use by setting time restraints on your phone for how long you can use social media apps. If you want to stay off social media for more extended periods, you can delete the apps from your phone temporarily.

Get Enough Sleep

According to Harvard Medical School, studies have shown that an estimated 50-90% of adults with major depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety disorders also experience some form of sleep issue. Studies have shown that treating these sleep issues may help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with these mental health issues.

The following tips can help you get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night:

  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine products

  • Avoid long daytime naps

  • Try to stick to a consistent sleep schedule

  • Get regular physical activity, but not right before bed

  • Avoid using electronics while in bed

  • Use relaxation techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation

Ask For Help

When you feel like your mental health is continuing to suffer despite your efforts, be sure to ask for help and support. If you’ve been experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or any other mental health issue for more than a few weeks, please be sure to confide in a trusted adult or reach out to a mental health treatment facility for advice on next steps.

Seeking Help at Tapestry

At Tapestry, our treatment programs are dedicated to understanding our clients as whole people with varied life experiences. Whether you have questions about mental health or how to support a loved one struggling with their mental health, we are here for you. Contact us today by filling out a confidential form or give us a call at (828) 490-4032.

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