What is Self-Love?
Although the concept of practicing self-care and self-love has become a popular topic, what exactly does that mean? Self-love, self-care, and self-compassion are phrases that circulate around the concept of moving away from harsh judgment of yourself, and toward wellness and happiness. But for those struggling with their self-image, this may not be as simple as it seems. We’re here to help.
Learning to Be Kinder to Yourself
We’ve all heard the saying that we’re often our worst critics—it’s true. For many people, self-evaluations are predominantly negative. Rather than beating yourself up when you make a mistake or deviate from your expectations for yourself, acknowledge what you have done and how you can improve in the future.
Breaking Free from Comparisons
Whether you’re comparing your appearance, job, or situation—comparing yourself to others can be damaging to your mental health. It’s important to acknowledge that what you’re comparing yourself to isn’t reality, it’s your perception of another person.
Rather than comparing yourself to others, write down your own list of goals and things you’d like to accomplish. Once you complete a task, check it off to give yourself a visual on how far you’ve come and what else you can achieve.
Embrace Physical Activity for Mental Wellness
Most of us know that getting regular exercise has many physical health benefits, but what about mental health? Whether you enjoy going on a jog alone or playing sports with friends, staying active can have the following mental health benefits:
- Reduces stress levels
- Improves self-esteem
- Improved sleep quality
- Boosts brain function
The Power of Laughter on Your Mental Health
Laughter has been proven to reduce stress levels and have a positive impact on your mental health by boosting serotonin and dopamine levels. By watching your favorite goofy movie or getting some laughs in with your loved ones, you can keep stress and distressing feelings at bay.
Designate Time for Worry and Find Peace
Sometimes you may find yourself zoning out throughout the day with your mind racing, worrying about how much work you need to get done or how you’ll be prepared for an upcoming deadline. If you set aside 5 minutes each day to worry, you’ll find yourself more at ease—knowing you’ll have dedicated time to worry about these things, later on, will give you peace of mind.
Know When to Reach Out for Support
If you find that you’re feeling overwhelmed or your mental health is suffering, you don’t have to go through that alone. Find a loved one or someone on your support team to reach out to. Don’t be afraid to seek mental health treatment if necessary to stay on track.
Finding Support at Tapestry
At Tapestry, our treatment programs are dedicated to understanding our clients as whole people with varied life experiences. Whether you have questions about mental health or how to support a loved one struggling with their mental health, we are here for you. Contact us today by filling out a confidential form or give us a call at (828) 490-4032.