Myths About Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

Published On: May 16, 2020Categories: Eating Disorders

Misconceptions about Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

Although binge eating disorder is one of the most common eating disorders, there are still many misconceptions and myths circulating about this behavioral health condition. We’re here to set the record straight.

Myth: You can just choose to eat less.

Treating and preventing the progression of binge eating disorder is more than controlling the amount of food that the affected individual eats. Episodes of binge eating are typically triggered by negative life events and emotional urges. Effectively treating binge eating disorder usually involves help from a professional to facilitate behavioral changes.

Myth: Binge eating disorder is the same as overeating.

Many people use these two terms interchangeably—but they are not synonymous. Although both overeating and BED involve eating beyond necessity and fullness, BED is a behavioral health issue that involves a loss of control. Just because you help yourself to additional servings of your favorite snacks or meals every now and then does not mean that you are living with this form of disordered eating.

Myth: Only overweight people have binge eating disorder.

People of all shapes and sizes can be affected by binge eating disorder. Although this form of disordered eating has the potential to cause the affected person to gain weight, that isn’t always the case. Due to this common misconception, many people who are unaffected by weight change may be in denial that they are living with an eating disorder.

Myth: Only women have binge eating disorder.

Because binge eating disorder can be associated with emotional triggers, many believe that this form of disordered eating only affects women. The truth is, binge eating disorder and other eating disorders can affect individuals regardless of their gender.

Eating Disorder Treatment at Tapestry

At Tapestry, our treatment programs are dedicated to understanding our clients as whole people with varied life experiences. Whether you have questions about mental health or how to support a loved one struggling with their mental health, we are here for you. Contact us today by filling out a confidential form or give us a call at (828) 490-4032.

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